
If you hold a membership and wish to renew it, please log in to your account before adding the item to your basket.
You need an account with the Blackwater Valley Opera Festival and be logged in before you can join one of the Friends Circles. Check at the top menu if you see your full name displayed. If that is the case, you're logged in and you can continue.

If not, click on Log in in the menu. This will bring you to the relevant page. Here you can log in with your email account and password. If you don't know your password (anymore), click on "Forgotten your password? Reset here". This starts a procedure to get a new password.

If you are a new customer, click on "New Customer? Register now" which will start the procedure to register as a new customer.
  • Membership Period: 1 year
  • Price: €10,000.00

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